I consider myself to be a good dad. I am around, I help with homework, and I generally like to be with my kids, but I am constantly trying to be better. I regularly screw up, so I try to learn from my mistakes. I regularly get things right, so I try to learn from my triumphs. Here are five things I've learned recently. Laugh with your kids. This week we were making Christmas lists when my daughter said she wanted to get me a "butt that will fart on daddy." I know! Gross right? My son though that was hilarious and they have been laughing about that for days now. Laughing with them (even when it is disgusting and slightly inappropriate) validates that they are worthwhile. We all like to be funny and to get a response from those we care about. Laugh with them, even if the joke doesn't make sense. Think about what it looks like to others. This week one of my biggest screw ups was when we were out shopping at CVS. The k...
A blog about marriage, fatherhood, and fiction.