Recently I wrote a letter of intent for school. In it they wanted me to answer the simple question of why I want to become a nurse. Writing that letter helped me put into words what I have struggled with my whole adult life; finding "the passion." In books and movies and even on the news we see stories of people who find their calling and pursue it with the passion that burns within. I've always looked up to those who know what they want and like a bloodhound tracking it's prey, they unerringly pursue it until the end. I've witnessed "the passion" first hand in my father. He likes to tell the story that in an architecture class he heard God calling him into ministry. He gave up his car and his hometown to go to another state to pursue his calling to become a minister. Later, after being married for only three months he returned to Kentucky to finish his degree and enter seminary. Some of my first memories were of my Father teaching you...
A blog about marriage, fatherhood, and fiction.