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Of course...

They say that writing is supposed to be therapeutic.  Today I found out that my brother is back in jail and I just needed to write my feelings.  I am not posting this for sympathy but maybe my words can help someone else who has someone they love who keeps making the same mistakes over and over again or maybe it will help the offender realize what they put their friends and family though when they don't change.

D. A. Acevedo


I take a look at my phone and see an hour old text
Call me as soon as you get this is all that it says
Is Papi dead and has there been an accident
These questions run though my head
My finger shakes as I select dad’s name

Of course…

Your brother has been arrested
He is back in jail
I’m sorry I’m in a meeting
I’ll call you when I am done
My only reply is

Of course…

I am rather shocked that I don’t feel at all
I expected some tears
But he has acted odd
Ever since his probation ended last month
Something had been off

Of course…

I look down at my toddler
He just wanted some juice
He needed a new diaper; I needed a hug
I wake up my wife and I tell her the news
She shakes her head and says

Of course…

We head to pick up the older children
My mind begins to wander
Was there something I missed
Should I have called some more
No, I didn’t cause this

Of course…

Grandpa pulls me aside
Brother wants to be bailed
Everyone else has said no
And sadly I agree
There is nothing but trouble out here for him

Of course…

We talk of what he will miss
No more burgers
No more chats
Grandpa will probably be gone before he is out
As I pull out of their driveways the tears finally come

Of course…

I begin to think of the things I will miss
Of our own secret language
Crazy movies, anime, and games
Insane bands that sing about Megaman
Things that I only really shared with you

Of course…

My kids will be adults before you will get out.
They will not really know you
The tears keep coming and of course I am driving
With rapid blinks I regain composure
It is time for tee ball

Of course…

Now everyone is in bed and I cannot sleep
I open up the laptop to write
And the tears begin to flow again
I hope you can find some peace in there
No matter what I will always love you

Of course…


  1. Very sad, but very beautiful. Sometimes our love just is not enough to keep someone from doing things they shouldn't. But the love is still there for them. Praying for all of you.


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