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Check yo self before you wreck yo self (and us all)

I cannot help but to notice that there have been a lot of heated discussions going around lately.  The “drug use is a disease” vs. “drug use is a choice” has been sparked from Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death from an apparent overdose.  There is also the freak-out people have had because coke’s “superb owl” commercial had a gay couple in it.  I even read about people bashing a member of a Christian band because he said Bruno Mars rocked the halftime show.
You may be asking yourself why I bring these topics up.  Well, folks, I’ll tell you.  I know this may be a shock to you but people’s view on having a relationship with Christ is impacted by the way you say things.  I am by far not perfect.  I say things I don’t mean in ways that I shouldn’t.  I struggle to be a good example for my kids and I try to live in a way that would make my heavenly father proud.  However, I have been seeing a bunch of people who call themselves Christians freaking out at each other because they have a different opinion on some topic.
Don’t believe me?  I will give you a more personal example that breaks my heart.  I saw this post from an old friend of mine.

Why are so many people who say they are "Christian" such mean, nasty, pieces of <expletive>? I bet Jesus wouldn't treat me this way.

Reading his words and the multitude of friends that told him that this is why “we don’t believe in this delusion they call God” disheartens me.  How many people feel the hate that comes from us Christians and never give God a chance?  How many people do we condemn because we are “jerks?”  How many homosexuals feel they could never talk about their struggles?  How many drug addicts avoid the places they can get help because they might run into those “church people.”  How many people scoff at us because some nasty Christian told them that if they believed something different then they are evil and will go to hell, or that they’re opinions just don’t matter?
I have another newsflash for you.  We all fall short.  We all mess up.  As far as I can tell, a sin, is a sin, is a sin.  But Daniel you may be saying don’t we have a responsibility to point out what is wrong with the world?  Shouldn’t we be trying to change the world to be more Christ-like?  Absolutely, but the change has to start with us.  It’s a tired old saying but it still rings true, “Tell everyone about Christ and if necessary use words.”  What was it that Jesus said?  Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbors as yourself.  Yeah, that sounds about right.
Does calling someone a hypocrite because he appreciates a musician’s talent count as loving your neighbor?  Does making the homosexual family feel like God can’t love them count as honoring God’s gifts to us?  Does condemning an addict to fight alone show love?  Nope.
I urge us all to think before we speak, post, like things.  Remember that we all fall short of God’s standards.  If we do this perhaps we can avoid being labeled “mean, nasty, pieces of <expletive>.


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